Reading at Alder Tree

At Alder Tree we develop reading skills with a systematic approach with three key strands; ‘Learn to Read’, ‘Read to Learn’ and ‘Read for Pleasure’. This approach allows children to make links in their learning, develop connections and schema between subjects and become high performers across all curriculum areas. Our aim is for all children to be confident, fluent readers by the time they leave school and be ready for their next stage in education.

Read Write Inc / Pixl / Guided Reading Learning Labs / Enquiry Based Learning Story Telling / Spotlight / Year Group Authors
Early Reading at Alder Tree is taught through Systematic Synthetic Phonics – the Read Write Inc program teaches word reading as well as comprehension strategies and is aligned with the Read Write Inc reading scheme to ensure all children read books that are matched to their phonic knowledge. All children in Years Reception, 1 and 2 have daily phonics lessons, children in Key Stage 2 have phonics lessons or spelling lessons 3 times per week. When children are secure in their phonic knowledge and can successfully and fluently read books, they become a 'free reader' to continue their reading progression whilst having more freedom to choose texts and develop their love of reading. Guided reading is taught daily from Years 1-6 and focuses on developing fluency (through echo and choral reading) and comprehension strategies. Year 1 and 2 use the Story books from Read Write Inc. Years 3-6 use a whole class reading model with focus on explicitly teaching vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval and summarising/sequencing alongside fluency. Reading is at the heart of our curriculum. Children are encouraged to find out new things and deepen their understanding by reading and exploring texts. The quality texts used have been carefully mapped out to provide challenge and deepen understanding of the thematic curriculum; this allows cross-curricular exposure to reading for different purposes. Timetabled enquiry sessions support our curriculum – children have a clear rationale for accessing the school library and class libraries during curriculum enquiry time including the use of Learning Labs and provision areas. These are enhanced with purposeful books that promote enquiry and inform teaching sequences. Students have time to explore topics that interest and inspire them, they use analysing skills to develop their critical thinking and use information in productive ways to produce a range of outcomes. At Alder Tree we promote a love of reading, our class novels are based around 2 key authors per year group. This allows children to become fully immersed in the style of particular writers and gives an in-depth look at the works of important literary figures. Our resident story-teller provides story sessions for all year groups for an immersive experience into stories. This develops student’s creative thinking skills, supports development of oracy, confidence in reading and writing and provides a space for imagination. Our ‘Spotlight Authors’ are aligned with our school community and represent the diverse experience of the children at Alder Tree. We focus on one author per half term, story sessions are built around the author’s work. Student’s learn to see alternative perspectives and The ATP library has been redeveloped to encompass our values ‘Believe, Belong, Become’ in a magical woodland scene. This helps children become immersed in stories and be transported away from a formal learning environment to one of imagination and relaxation.

For more information on Reading at Alder Tree – see the Curriculum page.

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